Páginas dinâmicas

Thursday, August 28, 2008

One week of fame...

This week my Demonstrations were highlighted as featured contributions at Wolfram Demonstration Project WEB Site, this is a kind of cool! Geek fame! :-)


Friday, August 22, 2008

...too large to be computed

CellularAutomaton::ovflw: The specified automaton rule {4,30,30} is \
too large to be computed.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

No memory!

daniel@Acme:~> nohup nice math -noprompt -run < nohupout &
[1] 7799

daniel@Acme:~> jobs
[1]+ Stopped nohup nice math -noprompt -run <nohupout

daniel@Acme:~> cat nohupout

No more memory available.
Mathematica kernel has shut down.
Try quitting other applications and then retry.



The game has started!

daniel@Acme:~/mathjobs> ps -aux | grep math
1000 11255 100 4.6 76608 47800 pts/0 RNl 11:47 1:13 /opt/Mathematica6/SystemFiles/Kernel/Binaries/Linux/MathKernel -noprompt -run << mathjob3